Flashlight Princess

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Zemo Warrior’s Hair Brush, or Petal Stone Pony’s battle helmet? They have probably ended up in the same place where all the left socks from the laundry end up, in the collection of the Goblin King. These goblins hate the light and come out at night to take the things you may never realize are missing. When things disappear into the darkness of the unknown the flash light princess is there to cast light on the situation.

When Queen Luna the Moon goes missing the Flashlight Princess sets out on a quest to restore her to her place in the sky.

This short film won Best Use of Prop at the Grand Cinema 72 hour film festival in 2009. Animated using Adobe Photoshop and Premiere over the course of 3 days, it helped to establish a winning formula.

Flashlight Princess Character Design